Friday, April 27, 2012
Chapter XXI : Happy Ending
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.
Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well
A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell
This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, no love, no glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' every day
2 o'clock in the morning, something's on my mind
Can't get no rest; keep walkin' around
If I pretend that nothin' ever went wrong, I can get to my sleep
I can think that we just carried on
This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, no love, no glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' every day.
Time to fuckin let go and let this pass behind me, so I can fucking move on. I thought it will be hard for me, but I was wrong. This 'goodbye' has even make me a better, happier human being. I'm better off without him and he is better off without me, I suppose. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. What I know now is.. we were never meant to be together and I have to let him go.
When I wake up in the morning I do still hope all of these things are just a dream. But every time I wake up, things getting even more real.
so.. be good, my precious and I wish you well. :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Favorite Movie: The Vow
Have you seen The Vow?? It's another Rachel McAdams movie and I love her! I am not really a fan of Channing Tatum though, I prefer Joseph Gordon-Levitt to be Leo in this movie rather than him. :")
The ending might be a cliche, but what I love and adore from this movie is.. the love and relationship between Paige and Leo; It's beautiful, honest, and sincere.. Who doesn't want a love like that?? Apa emang hubungan kayak gitu ada di tipi2 dan pelem doang yaaahhh hahahahaha
And here is my favorite scene from this movie:
Paige's Wedding Vow:
I vow to help you love life.
To always hold you with tenderness
and to have the patience that love demands.
To speak when the words are needed
and to share the silence when they're not.
To agree and disagree on red velvet cake
and to live within the warmth of your heart,
and always call it home.
Leo's Wedding Vow:
I vow to love you, no matter what challenges that might carry us apart,
we will always find a way back to each other.
I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms now and forever.
I promise to never forget that this is once in a lifetime love.
Beautiful isn't it?? I love the background song when they exchange their vow; it's stuck in my head! and it's the instrument from a song called England by The National. I downloaded the youtube video of the instrument and I'm gonna rape the replay button until I'm bored. Lols.
And heres the song (with vocal; i don't really like the song though, but the instrument is ssoo prewwwty)
What do you think about this movie? What would you do if your love of your life 'slipped away' from your hand, would you do anything to win their heart back?? Do you really think love deserves a second change??
Love ♥,
The ending might be a cliche, but what I love and adore from this movie is.. the love and relationship between Paige and Leo; It's beautiful, honest, and sincere.. Who doesn't want a love like that?? Apa emang hubungan kayak gitu ada di tipi2 dan pelem doang yaaahhh hahahahaha
And here is my favorite scene from this movie:
Paige's Wedding Vow:
I vow to help you love life.
To always hold you with tenderness
and to have the patience that love demands.
To speak when the words are needed
and to share the silence when they're not.
To agree and disagree on red velvet cake
and to live within the warmth of your heart,
and always call it home.
Leo's Wedding Vow:
I vow to love you, no matter what challenges that might carry us apart,
we will always find a way back to each other.
I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms now and forever.
I promise to never forget that this is once in a lifetime love.
Beautiful isn't it?? I love the background song when they exchange their vow; it's stuck in my head! and it's the instrument from a song called England by The National. I downloaded the youtube video of the instrument and I'm gonna rape the replay button until I'm bored. Lols.
And heres the song (with vocal; i don't really like the song though, but the instrument is ssoo prewwwty)
What do you think about this movie? What would you do if your love of your life 'slipped away' from your hand, would you do anything to win their heart back?? Do you really think love deserves a second change??
Love ♥,
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Chapter XX: Finding Neemo
I am not writing about Neemo the clown fish, I am writing about Neemo.. THE BUNNY! She is the newest member of my family and I am a proud mother (agak lebay sih tapi okelah yah) of a 4 months old American Fuzzy Lop bunny!!! :D
Actually I wanted to get a dog, but my mom would never let me get another one after we had to give up Mimi and Jasmine. She told me if i brought home a dog she swears she will kill it and cook it for dinner... LOLS. My mother's joke really scares me sometimes.. -_-
But then I read this blog post about Igloo, XX's Holand Lop bunny, I wanted to get a bunny as well. I did some research before I got Neemo on 17 March 2012, because I want to really take an excellent care for the bunny, I wanted to make sure that I REALLY want a bunny, not just a 'temporary craving'.
Can you imagine how fluffy she is?? :3 At first she was so shy but after few days she started showing that she loves her new place! She even did the binkies just days after I brought her home. Anyway, I am not sure yet whether Neemo is a she or he.. Because she is just 4 months old, basically you can tell the gender of a bunny when it turns to 6 months old and above. But the keeper at the pet shop where I got Neemo told me she is a female. Let's hope that Neemo won't grow any balls or a penis! I had enough troubles dealing with male mankind. LOLs. Even if Neemo were a boy, I would still love her as much as I do now.
Yes, I LOVE NEEMO!! >.< It's not even a full month since I have her in my life, but she brightens up my day with her stupid face and fat tummy. She loves food as much as I love food. I haven't weigh her though but from her butt, I can tell this cute bitch gained some weights. She loves to snooze under my bed, even now she is able to jump onto my bed! That's why I need to cover up my bed with huge plastic to keep my bed clean from her poo.
It is quite troublesome to take care of Neemo, but it is worth it with the joy she brings to my life :) She is so smart and she is potty-trained.. yeap, she takes a pee in her own litter box that I made for her. She stills pooo everywhere she wants but we will working on that. And she taught me to be patient because of her "shy-ness"; she needs more time to get used to my presence.
As we know, a bunny doesn't make any sounds like cats or dogs do, that is why the keeper from the pet shop suggested me to let Neemo wears a collar with a little bells on it, so I could know where she is hiding at. That's why I bought a cute blue collar for her. Few days ago, I had this feeling to check on Neemo when it was only 4 o'clock in the morning.. and what I saw.. scared the hell out of me!
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snoozing under my bed |
I found Neemo strangled with her own collar! Her breathe was so heavy, it made sounds every time she inhales. I thought she was sick because I bathe her the day before.. :( I hold her in my chest and I brought her to my room, and I cried and I pray to God please don't take Neemo from me, I love her and I don't want to lose her! I finally realize she strangled herself with the collar.. I was terrified as much as Neemo were. -____________-
Sooo I don't think its a good idea to let your bunny wears a collar. Just to prevent such bad things happen. It was a good thing I decided to check on her, if I didn't.. I'd probably found her dead in the morning.
Neemo.. :) Please be a good bunny and stop poo-ing on my bed -__-. I love you, I swear I will take an excellence care of you, I won't hurt you and I want you in my life, period!! I clearly don't want to lose you anytime soon so stop eating the plastic and rummage the rubbish can okayyy.
P.S I am so in love with Neemo I even did a sketch of her when I was in a business meeting. :p DONT JUDGE OKAY I'M NOT A GOOD PAINTER.
P.S I am so in love with Neemo I even did a sketch of her when I was in a business meeting. :p DONT JUDGE OKAY I'M NOT A GOOD PAINTER.
Love ♥,
Neemo's Proud Mommy.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Chapter XIX: Stupid people is STUPID.
I love designing! Even since I was a kid I knew what would I become, gak bakalan jauh-jauh dari bidang seni deh pokoknya. Dari jaman SD I love to make a personalized birthday card or christmas greetings card for my friends and family.
And here I am.. a 20 years old Art Director and I achieved my Advanced Diploma when I was only 19 years old. Am I proud of myself?? HELL YES I AM, this is one thing I won't be humble about! The obstacle I have been through to get my advanced diploma is PRICELESS. I still have the desire to pursue my Bachelor Degree.. someday.. when God let me to do so. Don't get me wrong, each people must have something they proud about themselves, so do I. :)
So, basically I DISRESPECT people who thinks that it is so EASY to be a graphic designer. You just need to learn by yourself, get as many as tutorial CD's and youtube videos aaannd TADAAAAA, you're officially a graphic designer. IT IS NOT THAT EASY, BITCH.
More importantly, I can say that I HATE people who underestimate the formal education for Visual Communication; I disrespect people who underestimate the power of (proper and formal) education. And those self-taught graphic designers who want to be appreciate as much as the certified graphic designer, who thinks they are the same or even better from those who actually went to the REAL and PROPER school.. are full of SHAME. How an arrogant asshole you are if you think so. I am honestly feel disturbed by their presence, yes, the self-taught graphic designers. They basically ruined the market price of design services as they will not survive to compete with the certified graphic designer if they ask for the normal price. So the market thinks that those certified graphic designers ask for too high price.
-___- FML
For those who are an educated and professional businessmen and businesswomen will understand why it takes so much money to design a logo, as the value of the logo is not from the size, color, or the difficulty of the logo, but it lies on its originality and ability to represents the company's profile, vision, and mission.
I personally believe that Visual Communication major is important as much as Medical or Law major. In college we learn from the experts themselves and our artworks are judge by them, who are certified and experienced in a real professional world. From the beginning, the lecturers helped us to form a strong and excellent sense of design-style, colors, and font type choices. While a self-taught graphic designer learn from CD tutorials, youtube videos.. and their artwork judge by common people who don't have any idea what a good design is.
Certified graphic designers have more promising career. Why? Because most of the top and professionals design agencies, where ever it is, require a certified graphic designer as their employee, sometimes at least you have to be a Bachelor Degree and they won't accept an Advanced Diploma like me. In so many events, those talented-lucky self-taught graphic designer who got accepted in a company, will be sent to college by their employer to earn their formal education after they shows their skills. Why? Because a good company/employer knows and realize how important a formal education is. :)
Even tough you are an experienced self-taught graphic designer, you still need to get a formal education to be approved as a good designer.
Have you ever seen a self-taught doctors actually works at the hospitals?
Have you ever seen a self-taught lawyers represent a criminal in the courts?
Me neither. :)
A certified graphic designer bisa dikategorikan sebagai graphic designer otodidak, tapi graphic designer yang otodidak enggak akan pernah bisa di kategorikan atau disamakan dengan those certified graphic designer.
Perbedaan itu ada, kenapa harus disamakan kalo emang gak sama?? Let's respect the difference, let's respect each other. STAY HUNGER, STAY FOOLISH, just like what Steve Job says.
Hasil kerja designer otodidak belum tentu jelek, begitu juga sebaliknya. Semuanya balik lagi ke pribadi masing-masing. Yang penting adalah jangan pernah meremehkan pendidikan dan jangan cepet berpuas diri akan pencapaian yang udah ada. Di atas langit masih ada langit kawannn... :)
And here I am.. a 20 years old Art Director and I achieved my Advanced Diploma when I was only 19 years old. Am I proud of myself?? HELL YES I AM, this is one thing I won't be humble about! The obstacle I have been through to get my advanced diploma is PRICELESS. I still have the desire to pursue my Bachelor Degree.. someday.. when God let me to do so. Don't get me wrong, each people must have something they proud about themselves, so do I. :)
So, basically I DISRESPECT people who thinks that it is so EASY to be a graphic designer. You just need to learn by yourself, get as many as tutorial CD's and youtube videos aaannd TADAAAAA, you're officially a graphic designer. IT IS NOT THAT EASY, BITCH.
More importantly, I can say that I HATE people who underestimate the formal education for Visual Communication; I disrespect people who underestimate the power of (proper and formal) education. And those self-taught graphic designers who want to be appreciate as much as the certified graphic designer, who thinks they are the same or even better from those who actually went to the REAL and PROPER school.. are full of SHAME. How an arrogant asshole you are if you think so. I am honestly feel disturbed by their presence, yes, the self-taught graphic designers. They basically ruined the market price of design services as they will not survive to compete with the certified graphic designer if they ask for the normal price. So the market thinks that those certified graphic designers ask for too high price.
-___- FML
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For those who are an educated and professional businessmen and businesswomen will understand why it takes so much money to design a logo, as the value of the logo is not from the size, color, or the difficulty of the logo, but it lies on its originality and ability to represents the company's profile, vision, and mission.
I personally believe that Visual Communication major is important as much as Medical or Law major. In college we learn from the experts themselves and our artworks are judge by them, who are certified and experienced in a real professional world. From the beginning, the lecturers helped us to form a strong and excellent sense of design-style, colors, and font type choices. While a self-taught graphic designer learn from CD tutorials, youtube videos.. and their artwork judge by common people who don't have any idea what a good design is.
Certified graphic designers have more promising career. Why? Because most of the top and professionals design agencies, where ever it is, require a certified graphic designer as their employee, sometimes at least you have to be a Bachelor Degree and they won't accept an Advanced Diploma like me. In so many events, those talented-lucky self-taught graphic designer who got accepted in a company, will be sent to college by their employer to earn their formal education after they shows their skills. Why? Because a good company/employer knows and realize how important a formal education is. :)
Even tough you are an experienced self-taught graphic designer, you still need to get a formal education to be approved as a good designer.
Have you ever seen a self-taught doctors actually works at the hospitals?
Have you ever seen a self-taught lawyers represent a criminal in the courts?
Me neither. :)
A certified graphic designer bisa dikategorikan sebagai graphic designer otodidak, tapi graphic designer yang otodidak enggak akan pernah bisa di kategorikan atau disamakan dengan those certified graphic designer.
Perbedaan itu ada, kenapa harus disamakan kalo emang gak sama?? Let's respect the difference, let's respect each other. STAY HUNGER, STAY FOOLISH, just like what Steve Job says.
Hasil kerja designer otodidak belum tentu jelek, begitu juga sebaliknya. Semuanya balik lagi ke pribadi masing-masing. Yang penting adalah jangan pernah meremehkan pendidikan dan jangan cepet berpuas diri akan pencapaian yang udah ada. Di atas langit masih ada langit kawannn... :)
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