Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose. - Kevin Arnold
Have you ever find yourself crying while remembering some of the beautiful memories you ever have?
Memory that makes your heart beats faster.
Memory that makes you feel like you were just having a dream; because it was too beautiful and passed way too fast.
Memory that you wish you could get back into, but you simply can't, because things are different now and people change.
Memory of people you used to be close with.
Memory of people you used to love but now gone.
Memory when things are perfectly fine until you screwed it up.
Memory of who you used to be.
And then, you find yourself trapped in the past, so you are looking forward for the future, but you actually missing out the present..
Have you?
Monday, January 16, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Chapter XIV: ?
Hidup itu enggak ada yang pasti. Justru itu yang bikin seru, iya kan?
Enggak ada yang bisa jamin masa depan lo, bahkan orang tua lo sendiri atau kertas2 ijazah hasil lo menyiksa diri belajar hal-hal yang jarang diterapkan di kehidupan nyata. 2 tahun gue ngeles matematika-kimia-fisika ga ada satu pun yang gue pake di pekerjaan gue dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Paling matematika kepake cuma buat itung2an size poster atau name card sama ngitung pengeluaran gue. Itu pun suka pake kartulator :|
Future does scare me and I do believe in destiny. But it doesnt mean we give up trying our best.
Jangan berpikiran "ah mw gue belajar mati2an, kalo emang takdirnya gue ga lulus, ya ga lulus aja"
Percayalah kawan, takdir memang di tangan Tuhan, tapi nasib masih di tangan kita. Ketika Tuhan melihat usaha keras kita, Dia akan merestui kerja keras kita dan memberkati apa yang kita mau, itu yang gue percaya. Dan selama ini gak pernah sekali pun Tuhan ngecewain gue.
Enggak peduli darimana lo berasal, yang penting adalah arah tujuan lo. Kalo kata JS, "get rich or die tryin"
Emang bener kalo kaya ga menjamin kita bahagia, but at least we could suffer in style B) ya gakk seeehhh hahahaha.
Live Happily my fellow b*tches! LOL.
Enggak ada yang bisa jamin masa depan lo, bahkan orang tua lo sendiri atau kertas2 ijazah hasil lo menyiksa diri belajar hal-hal yang jarang diterapkan di kehidupan nyata. 2 tahun gue ngeles matematika-kimia-fisika ga ada satu pun yang gue pake di pekerjaan gue dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Paling matematika kepake cuma buat itung2an size poster atau name card sama ngitung pengeluaran gue. Itu pun suka pake kartulator :|
Future does scare me and I do believe in destiny. But it doesnt mean we give up trying our best.
Jangan berpikiran "ah mw gue belajar mati2an, kalo emang takdirnya gue ga lulus, ya ga lulus aja"
Percayalah kawan, takdir memang di tangan Tuhan, tapi nasib masih di tangan kita. Ketika Tuhan melihat usaha keras kita, Dia akan merestui kerja keras kita dan memberkati apa yang kita mau, itu yang gue percaya. Dan selama ini gak pernah sekali pun Tuhan ngecewain gue.
Enggak peduli darimana lo berasal, yang penting adalah arah tujuan lo. Kalo kata JS, "get rich or die tryin"
Emang bener kalo kaya ga menjamin kita bahagia, but at least we could suffer in style B) ya gakk seeehhh hahahaha.
Live Happily my fellow b*tches! LOL.
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quote: Paradise - Coldplay |
Monday, January 2, 2012
Chapter XIII: Happy Holidays!
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What's your 2011 resolutions that you didn't succeed to achieve and what's your new 2012 resolutions? I spent 2011 without any resolution, because I thought that being healthy and happy were good enough. Then I realize, actually by making resolution, you set a target, by setting a target you have a purpose to live.
While I was still in the Uni, my purposes were of course to graduate and get a job with a good salary, now that I have achieved my purposes, I had to find my new one to keep my life balance, well I believe so.. Can you imagine traveling without a destination?
And my 2012's Resolution or things that I want/do are :
- Be more patient
- Get back to my ideal weight (50kilos)!! due date by SEPT'12 !! :D
- Start doing the healthy lifestyle
- Learn how to play guitar
- Learn how to DRIVE (a car and motorcycle)
- Saving loads of money
- a Polaroid camera!
- a vacation to Thailand/Vietnam/Lombok :9
- Stay in love with my lovely man, AR!
How about you? Do you think that setting a new year's resolution is necessary?
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